
08. The role of green human resources management in shaping sustainability.

 Those in HR departments who are in charge of managing a company's staff and helping to establish a strong culture play a key role in the creation of sustainability policies to safeguard the planet. "Environmental sustainability is also becoming an increasingly important part of corporate strategy within companies and is closely tied to the topic of corporate social responsibility. The focus is on the common good for public administration and is therefore transferable as a strategy. All organizations have a complex challenge to overcome: the digital, economic, ecological, societal, and social transformation must be tackled practically simultaneously, and they must weather all the effects that go with it."  (Behrens, 2022) To help get the transformation in motion and make environmentally beneficial changes, companies as well as administrations need to define their shared values, come up with joint-action programs, and ensure they have motivated and dedicated employees acro

07. How to Break a Glass Ceiling Almost Anywhere

  Humanity is made up of many people, each with their own unique characteristics and personalities. However, this does not imply that we must be split based on our demography and category. However, equality is one of our basic rights, and we should do everything we can to eliminate the impediments. In this world, we must learn to coexist since, after all, we are all people. We all have the right to access various options that might improve our lives indefinitely. However, something unseen continues to squander wonderful potential for the majority of individuals.   Glass Ceiling. Metaphorically," the glass ceiling is the invisible line or barrier that separates one demographic from the other. There is one superior group and another inferior group. So instead of having equal chances of succeeding, the superior group tends to have a higher success rate". ( Glass ceiling - Wikipedia , 2021). "Feminists originally used the term glass ceiling. The glass ceiling applies to all

06. Gender Diversity in the Workplace

  Gender Diversity Gender diversity is critical to supporting creativity, cooperation, and overall success in today's quickly changing corporate scene. Workplaces that have a balanced representation of men and women benefit from various perspectives, talents, and experiences, which leads to improved decision-making and problem-solving. Promoting gender diversity clearly provides a competitive advantage and adds to a good work environment for all workers. Women make up about 40% of the worldwide workforce, but only 5% of those in high executive positions. Even still, males in comparable occupations earn more. What is gender diversity in the workplace? ‣(2020) Only 6.6% of Fortune 500 businesses have female CEOs, while female executives are departing at the greatest rate in years, at 10.5% (compared to 9% of male executives). Women in the Workplace 2022 Despite the fact that many firms have made gains toward gender balance in entry-level employment, women's presence tends to decl

05. Performance Management: Beyond the Annual Review

The evaluation and management of employee performance are crucial components for the success of a business and the well-being of its employees. The process of conducting employee performance reviews enables managers to evaluate the overall performance of employees, offer crucial feedback, and discover potential areas for enhancement. Nevertheless, the traditional method that entails an annual evaluation review is constrained. This essay aims to analyze the efficacy of yearly appraisals, explore their distinctions from performance management, and discuss the implementation of a proficient performance management method.   The meaning of a performance evaluation A performance review is a formal assessment that comprehensively assesses an employee's entire performance within a predetermined time frame. The evaluation encompasses a bilateral dialogue between employees and their supervisors pertaining to their areas of proficiency and areas for improvement. The employee should be afforde

04. Motivation – Applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

  Imagine a workplace where everyone did what you needed them to do without the need for micromanagement and prodding. Even better, picture employees doing these things because they genuinely want to, not because they have to. Motivation is arguably the most critical lever managers and leaders have for creating high performance. By using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to motivate your employees and fulfill their needs, you will likely see them give you maximum contribution, often without you needing to cajole them continually. What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory In 1943, Abraham Maslow, a humanist psychologist, introduced the Hierarchy of Needs hypothesis in his work titled "A Theory of Human Motivation." According to Maslow's theory, human beings possess a hierarchy of wants that must be fulfilled, ranging from fundamental physiological requirements to more intricate psychological and self-fulfillment needs. According to Maslow's hierarchy of requirements, indivi

03. Benefits of implementing a wellness program and best practices for boosting morale and productivity in the workplace.

  Employee wellness and corporate performance are inextricably linked in numerous ways. Employees who are healthy and happy contribute to a thriving workplace, are more productive, and have a larger influence on the bottom line than those who are not.  Investing time and resources in the well-being of employees not only improves their health and quality of life, but it also lowers the overall cost of the company's health care plan. Here are some ways that implementing a good wellness program might benefit your workplace: Increase employee engagement and productivity A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine discovered that participation in wellness programs can help employees improve their productivity while saving their companies money. Poor health is one of the primary causes of low productivity. When you're sick, you're fatigued and less inclined to work. Participating in wellness activities that emphasize healthy health behaviors, such